Neural networks
Portfolio selection
General optimization
Portfolio optimization
Heuristic optimization
CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model)
Neural optimization
VaR (Value at Risk)
Genetic algorithms
Prospect Theory
Simulated annealing
Technical analysis
Taboo search
Data patterns
Game theory
Bond pricing
Multi-agent simulations
Option pricing
Monte Carlo simulations
Volatility estimations
Time series analysis
SWAP pricing
Fuzzy logic
Arbitrage trading
Fractals and chaos
Term structure
Neural networks
[1] Feedforward and Recurrent Neural Networks and Genetic Programs for Stock Market and Time Series Forecasting, P.C.McCluskey, 1993
[2] Clustering of the Self-Organizing Map , Juha Vesanto , 2000
[3] The Learning Vector Quantization Program Package, T.Kohonen, 1996
[4] A Neural Network Model for Gold Market, P.J.McCann, B.L.Kalman,1993
[5] Prediction Risk and Architecture Selection for Neural Networks, J.Moody, 1994
[6] Economic Forecasting: Challenges and Neural Network Solutions, J.Moody, 1995
[7] Neural Networks in Economics: Background, Applications and New Developments, R.Herbrich, 1999
[8] Incorporating Prior Knowledge About Financial Markets Through Neural Multitask Learning, K.Bartlmae, 1995
[9] Neural Networks for Time Series Processing, G.Dorffner, 1996
[10] Stock Price Prediction Using Neural Networks, F.W.Op't Landt, MSc. thesis, 1997
[11] Rprop - Description and Implementation Details, M.Riedmiller, 1994
[12] The Self-Organizing Map Program Package, T.Kohonen, 1996
[13] On the Analysis of Pattern Sequences by Self-Organizing Maps, J.Kangas, 1994
[14] Dependency Analysis and Neural Network Modeling of Currency Exchange Rates, I.Pi, 1993
[15] Forecasting the 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond with a System of Neural Networks, W.Cheng, 1996
[16] Optimal Asset Allocation using Adaptive Dynamic Programming, R.Neunejer, 1995
[17] A Nonparametric Approach to Pricing and Hedging Derivative Securities Via Learning Networks, J.M.Hutchinson, 1994
[18] Comparative Study of Stock Trend Prediction Using Time Delay, Recurrent and Probabilistic Neural Networks , Danil V. Prokhorov, 1998
[19] Forecasting Financial Markets using Neural Networks: an Analysis of Methods and Accuracy, J.Kutsurelis, 1998
[20] On Developing a Financial Prediction System: Pitfalls and Possibilities , Stefan Zemke
[21] A Case Study on Using Neural Networks to Perform Technical Forecasting on FOREX, J.Yao and C.Tan, 1999
[22] A Comparative Study on Feedforward and Recurrent Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction using Gradient Descent Learning, M.Hallas, G.Dorffner, 1997
[23] An Explicit Feature Selection Strategy for Predictive Models of the S&P 500 Index, T.Chenoweth, 1996
[24] Forecasting Price Increments Using an Artificial Neural Network, F.Castiglione, 2000
[25] A Multi-Component Nonlinear Prediction System for the S&P 500 Index, T.Chenoweth and Z.Obradovic, 1996
[26] Training Neural Networks Beyond the Euclidean Distance, Multi-Objective Neural Networks using Evolutionary Training, 1999
[27] Pattern Matching and Neural Networks Based Hybrid Forecasting System, A.Singh and J.Fieldsend, 2000
[28] An Artificial Neural Network Primer with Financial Applications Example in Financial Distress Predictions and Foreighn Exchange Hybrid Trading System, C.Tan, 1997
[29] A Hybrid Financial Trading System Incorporating Chaos Theory, Statistical and Artificial Intelligence/Soft Computing methods, C.Tan, 1999
[30] Time Series Prediction and Neural Networks, N.davey, 1997
[31] Foreign Exchange Rates Forecasting with Neural Networks , Jingtao Yao, Hean-Lee Poh, Teo Jasic ,1996
[32] A Constrained Neural Network Kalman Filter for Price Estimation in High Frequency Financial Data, P.J.Bolland and J.T.Connor, 1997
[33] A Model Selection Approach to Real-Time Macroeconomic Forecasting Using Linear Models and Artificial Neural Networks, N.R.Swanson and H.White, 1995
General optimization
[1] Mathematical Optimization, Computational Science Education Project, 1995
[2] A New Branch-and-Bound Method for Global Optimization, K.Madsen and S.Zertchaninov, 1998
On the hardness of the Quadratic Assignment Problem with meta-heuristics , Eric Angel, Vassilis Zissimopoulos , 1997
[1] Dempster-Shafer clustering using Potts spin mean field theory
M. Bengtsson , J. Schubert , 2001
[1] Would Evolutionary Computation Help in Designs of Artificial
Neural Nets in Forecasting Financial Time Series, Shu-Heng Chen,
Chun-Fen Lu, 1999
[1] Dynamic Financial Forecasting with
Automatically Induced Fuzzy Associations, Y.Romahi and Q.Shen,
[1] Fractals and Intrinsic Time - A Challenge to Econometrics, U.A.Muller, 1995
[1] Very Fast Simulated Re-Annealing, L.Ingber, 1989
[1] Taboo Search, F.Glover and M.Laguna, 1999
[1] Finance Applications of Game Theory, F.Allen, S.Morris, 1998
[1] An Artificial Market Model of a Foreign Exchange Market, K.Izumi,
Ph.D. thesis, 1999
[1] Quasi-Monte Carlo Approaches to Option Pricing, J.Birge, 1996
[1] Time Series Analysis, E.Bradley,
[1] Term Structure Estimation: An Implied Norm
Approach. Negative Option Prices - A Puzzle or Just Noise? I.D.Ioffe,
[1] Dynamic Consumption and Portfolio Choice with Stochastic Volatility
in Incomplete Markets, G.Chacko and L.Viceira, 1999
[1] Heuristics for Cardinality Constrained Portfolio Optimization,
T.J.Chang, 1999
[1] International CAPM with Regime Switching GARCH Parameters, L.Cappiello
and T.A.Fearnly, 2000
[1] Exchange Rate Returns
Standardized by Realized Volatility are (Nearly) Gaussian T.Andersen, 1999
[1] Economic Implications of Using a Mean-VaR Model for Portfolio
Selection: A Comparison with Mean-Variance Analysis, G.J.Alexander,
A.M.Baptista, 2000
[1] Prospect Theory and Asset Prices, N.Barberis, M.Huang and T.Santos,
[1] Application of Simple Trading Rules to Swiss Stock Prices.
Is It Profitable? D.Isakov and M.Hollistein, 2000
[1] Systematic Patterns Before and After Large Price Changes: Evidence
From High Frequency Data from Paris Bourse, F.Hamelink, 1999
[1] Who Should Buy Long-Term Bonds? J.Y.Campbell and L.M.Viceira,
Credit Spread Specification and the Pricing of Spread Options,
N.Mougeot, 2000
Valuing Credit Default SWAPs I: No Counterparty Default Risk,
J.Hull and A.White, 2000
From Utility Maximization to Arbitrage Pricing and Back,
A.E.MacKay, E.Z.Prisman, 2000
Heuristic optimization
A Comparison of Stochastic Search Heuristics for Portfolio Optimization,
R.Freedman and R.DiGiorgio, 1993
Neural optimization
[2] Neural Networks for Optimization Problems with Inequality Constraints
- the Knapsack Problem, M.Ohlsson, 1992
[3] Mean Field Limit Theorems for CDMASystems , Tim Holliday
[4] Combinatorial Optimization with Feedback Artificial Neural
Networks, C.Peterson, 1995
[5] Neural Optimization, C.Peterson, 1998
[6] An Efficient Mean Field Approach to the Set Covering Problem,
M.Ohlsson, 1999
Genetic algorithms
[2] Evolutionary Algorithms for Neural Network Design and Training,
J.Branke, 1995
[3] Evolving Artificail Neural Networks, X.Yao, 1999
[4] Evolution of Trading Rules for the FX Market or How to Make
Money out of GP, H.Jonsson, 1997
[5] The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Evolutionary Computing, J.Heitkotter, 1999
[6] Genetic Algorithms Overview, F.Busetti, 2000 [7]
Investment Decision Making Using FGP: A Case Study, J.Li and
E.Tsang, 1999
[7] Investment Decision Making Using FGP: A Case Study, J.Li and P.K.Tsang, 1999
Using Genetic Algorithms for Robust Optimization in Financial
Applications, O.V.Pictet, 1995
The Importance of Simplicity and Validation in Genetic
Programming for Data Mining in Financial Data, J.D.Thomas and
K.Sycara, 1999
Using Genetic Algorithms for Defining an Initial Shares
Portfoliom R.Vieira and R.Wazlawick, 1995
Fuzzy logic
Fractals and chaos
Interdisciplinary Application of Nonlinear Time Series
Methods, T.Schreiber, 1998
Kolmogorov Entropy from Time Series using
Information-Theoretic Functionals, M.palus, 1997
Chaotic time series. Part I: Estimation of some Invariant
Properties in State Space, D.Kugiumtzis, 1995
Chaotic Time Series. Part II: System Identification and
Prediction, B.Lillekjendlie, 1995
Testing for Nonlinearity Using Redundancies: Quantitative and Qualitative
Aspects, M.Palus, 1995
Multifractality in Asset Returns: Theory and Evidence, L.Calvet and A.Fisher, 2001
Deterministic Chaos in Exchange Rates?, M.Bask, 1996
A Langevin Approach to Stock Market Fluctuations and Crashes, J.P.Bouchad and R.Cont, 1998
Scaling Transformation and Probability Distributions for Financial Time Series,
M.Brachet,, 1997
Large Deviations and the Distribution of Price Changes, L.Calvet, A.Fisher and B.Mandelbrot, 1997
Scaling in Stock Market Data: Stable Laws and Beyond, R.Cont, M.Potters and JP.Bouchaud, 1997
The Distribution of Extremal Foreigh Exchange Rate Returns in Extremely Lasrge Data Sets,
M.Dacorogna,, 1995
Predicting the Occurrence of Rare Events, M.Dacorogna, 1998
Crashes as Critical Points, A.Johansen, 1998
Modeling the Stock Market Prior to Large Crashes, A.Johansen, 1998
Apparent Multifractality in Financial Time Series, J.P.Bouchaud,, 1999
Is There Chaos in the World Economy? A Test Using Nonparametric Regression,
M.Shintanim and O.Linton, 2000
Simulated annealing
[2] Genetic Algorithm and Very Fast Simulated Re-Annealing: a Comparison,
L.Ingber, 1992
[3] Simulated Annealing: Practice Versus Theory, L.Ingber, 1993
[4] Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA): Lessons Learned, L.Ingber,
[5] Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets (SMFM), L.Ingber,
[6] Trading Markets with Canonical Momenta and Adaptive Simulated
Annealing, L.Ingber, 1999
[7] Optimization of Trading Physics Models of Markets, L.Ingber,
Taboo search
Game theory
Multi-agent simulations
Asset Pricing Under Endogenous Expectations in an
Artificial Stock Market, W.Brian, 1996
An Artificial Stock Market, R.G.Palmer, 1999
Cooperative Multiagent search for Portfolio Selection,
D.C.Parkes and B.A.Huberman, 1999
Artificial Economic Life: A Simple Model of a Stockmarket,
R.G.Palmer, 1993
Emergent Phenomena in a Foreign Exchange Market: Analysis
Based on an Artificial Market Approach, K.Izumi and K.Ueda,
Monte Carlo Simulations
[2] Efficient Monte Carlo Pricing of Basket Options, P.Bellizzari, 1998
[3] Monte Carlo Pricing
Testing the Models of Stock Price Processes Using Monte Carlo Markov Chain
Method, W.Chen, 1998
Path Generation for Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulation of
Mortgage Backed Securities, F.Akersson and J.Lehoczky,
Applications of Monte Carlo/Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in
Finance: Option Pricing, Y.Lai and J.Spanier, 1999
Variance Reduction of Monte Carlo and Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo
Estimators for Stochastic Volatility Models in Finance, H.Ben Ameur,
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Calibration of Stochastic Volatility Models, X.Ge and C.Ji, 2000
Time series analysis
Financial Time Series Forecasts using Fuzzy and Long Memory
Pattern Recognition Systems, S.Singh and J.Fieldsend, 2000
Pricing Foreign Currency and Cross-Currency Options Under
GARCH, J.Duan, 1999
Fuzzy Nearest Neighbour Method for Time-Series Forecasting,
S.Singh, 1998
Neural Networks for Time Series Processing, G.Dorffner, 1997
Detecting Nonlinearity in Multivarite Time Series, M.Palus,
Estimating Predictability: Redundancy and Surrogate Data Method, M.Palus, 1995
From Nonlinearity to Predictability, M.Palus and D.Novotna, 1997
Time Series Data Mining: Identifying Temporal Patterns for
Characterization and Prediction of Time Series Events, R.J.Povinelli, 1999
Dynamic Time-Series Forecasting Using Local Approximation, S.Singh and
P.McAtackney, 1998
A Long Memory Pattern Modeling and Recognition System for Financial
Time-Series Forecasting, S.Singh, 1999
Noisy Time-Series Prediction using Pattern Recognition Techniques, S.Singh,
Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance, J.Cochrane, 1997
Bayesian Time Series: Financial Models and Spectral Analysis, Y.Chen, 1997
Multivariate Long-Memory ARCH Modelling for High Frequency Foreign Exchange Rates, G.Teyssiere, 1998
Structural Changes in the Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Model, P.R.Hansen, 2000
Term structure
Arbitrage Restrictions and Multi-Factor Models of the Term Structure of
Interest Rates, R.Stapleton, 1994
Using Hull-White Interest-Rate Trees, J.Hull and A.White, 1996
Time-varying Risk Aversion, Unexpected Inflation and the Dynamics of the
Term Structure, M.Brandt and K.Wang, 1999
The Bias in the Conventional Test of the Expectations Theory: Resolving the Anomalies
at the Very Short End of the Term Structure, D.L.Thornton, 2000
The Expectations Theory and the Founding of the Fed: Another Look at the Evidence,
C.J.M.Kool and D.L.Thornton, 2000
Deriving Agent's Inflation Forecasts from the Term Structure of Interest Rates,
C.Ragan, 1995
The Information in the Term Structure of Interest Rates:Further Results for Germany,
G.Boero and C.Torricelli, 1998
Portfolio selection
[2] Index Tracking: Genetic Algorithms for Investment Portfolio
Selection, J.Shapcott, 1992
[3] Heuristic Algorithms for the Portfolio Selection Problem with
Minimum Transaction Lots, R.Mansini and M.G.Speranza, 1999
[4] Enhancing Portfolio Performance Using Options Strategies. Why
Beating the Market Is Easy. F-S.Lhabitant, 1998
Optimal Portfolio Choice Under Loss Aversion, A.Berkelaar and R.Kouwenberg,
Universal Portfolios With and Without Transaction Costs,
A.Blum and A.Kalai, 1997
Portfolio Selection with Downside Risk Measures
Universal Portfolios, T.M.Cover, 1996
Portfolio Advice for a Multifactor World, J.H.Cochrane, 2000
On-Line Portfolio Selection Using Multiplicative Updates,
D.P.Helmbold, 1998
Portfolio Selection Problem with MiniMax Type Risk Function,
K.L.Teo and X.Q.Yang, 1999
Scenario Selection and Stochastic Programming Models for Asset
Liability management, R.Kouwenberg, 1998
Optimal Dynamic Portfolio Selection: Multi-Period Mean-Variance
Formulation, D.Li, 1998
On the Explanatory Power of Asset Pricing Models Across and Within
Portfolios, R.Kan, 1999
Optimal Investing in Incomplete Financial Markets, W.Schachermayer, 2000
Portfolio optimization
[2] Heuristic Approaches for Portfolio Optimization, M.Gilli and
E.Kellezi, 2000
Optimal Hedging Strategy for a Portfolio Investment Problem
with Additional Constraints, N.Dokuchaev and K.Teo, 1999
Optimal Portfolios for LogarithmicUtility, T.Goll and
J.Kallsen, 2000
Dynamic Portfolio Insurance: A Stochastic Programming
Approach, R.Kouwenberg and T.Vorts, 1998
Duality Links between Portfolio Optimization and Derivative
Pricing, J.Kallsen, 1999
Optimal Portfolios for Exponential Levy Processes, J.Kallsen,
Extending the MAD Portfolio Optimization Model to Incorporate
Downside Risk Aversion, W.Michalowski, 1998
Portfolio Analysis Using Downside Risk Minimization, D.M.Ros, 1998
A Monte carlo Method for Optimal Portfolios, J.Detemple, 2000
Practical Portfolio Optimization, K.V.Fernando, 2000
Stochastic-Programming Models for Portfolio Optimization with
Mortgage-Backed Securities, R.McKendall, 1993
Taming Your Optimizer: A Guide Through the Pitfalls of Mean-Variance Optimization, S.L.Lummer,, 1994
[2] Do Fixed Income Securities Also Show Asymmetric Effects in Conditional
Second Momets, L.Cappiello, 2000
[3] Optimal International Diversification: Theory and Practice from
a Swiss Investor's Perspective, F.Hamelink, 2000
[4] Capital Asset Pricing Model and Changes in Volatility, A.O.Santos,
New Facts in Finance, J.H.Cochrane, 2000
Explaining the Poor Performance of Consumption-based Asset
Pricing Models, J.Campbell and J.H.Cochrane, 2000
Covariability, Multivariability and Flexibility: Conditional
CAPM and Time-Varying Risk Premia, G.Lim, 1998
Volatility estimation
Towards a Theory of Volatility Trading, P.Carr and D.Madan,
Forecasting S&P 100 Volatility: The Increment Information
Content of Implied Volatilities and High Frequency Index
Returns, B.J.Blair, 2000
Derivatives on Volatility: Some Simple Solutions Based on
Observables, S.L.Hestib and S.Nandi, 2000
Consequences for Option Pricing of a Long Memory in
Volatility, S.J.Taylor, 2000
Forward rate Volatilities, SWAP Rate Volatilities, and the Implementation
of the LIBOR Market Model, J.Hull and A.White, 1999
Nonlinear Features of Realized FX Volatility, J.Maheu and T.McCurdy, 2001
Volatility Dynamics under Duration-dependent Mixing, J.Maheu and T.McCurdy,
Identifying Bull and Bear Markets in Stock Returns, J.maheu and T.McCurdy,
Modeling and Forecasting Realized Volatility, T.Andersen, 2001
The Realized Volatility of FTSE-100 Futures Prices, N.Areal and S.Taylor,
The Dynamics of Stochastic Volatility: Evidence from Underlying and Option
Markets, C.S.Jones, 2000
Dynamic Hedging in a Volatile Market, T.F.Coleman, 1999
Implied Trinomial Trees of the Volatility Smile, E.Derman, 1996
Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure of Implied Volatility: Re-examination,
S.Byoun, 1999
The Price of a Smile: Hedging and Spanning in Option Markets,
A.Buraschi and J.jackwerth, 2000
Implied Volatility Skews and Stock index Skewness and Kurtosis Implied by S&P500
Index Option Prices, C.J.Corrado and t.Su, 1997
The Distribution of Stock Return Volatility, T.G.Andersen, 2000
Modeling and Forecasting Realized Volatility, T.G.Andersen, 2001
The Distribution of Exchange Rate Volatility, T.G.Andersen, 1999
Forecasting S&P 100 Volatility: The Incremental Information Content of Implied
Volatilities and High Frequency Index Returns, B.J.Blair, 2000
Forecasting the Variability of Stock Index Returns with Stochastic Volatility
Models and Implied Volatility, E.Hol and S.L.Koopman, 2000
Tree Structured GARCH Models, F.Audrino and P.Buhlmann, 2000
Nonparametric GARCH Models, P.Buhlmann and A.J.McNeil, 1999
Risk evaluation
Value-at-Risk: a Multivariate Switching Regime Approach, M.Billio,
L.Pelizzon, 2000
The Ten Great Challenges of Risk Management, C.Batlin and B.Schachter,
Value at Risk Models for Dutch Bond Portfolios, P.J.G.Vlaar, 1999
Non-Linear Value-at-Risk, M.Britten-Jones and S.M.Schaefer, 1999
Asset Allocation in a Value-at-Risk Framework, R.Huisman, 1999
Evaluation of Value-at-Risk Models Using Historical Data, D.Hendricks,
A Simplified Method for Calculating the Credit Risk of Lending Portfolios,
A.Ieda, 2000
Value at Risk Using Hyperbolic Distributions, C.Bauer, 2000
Market Risk: An Introduction to the Concept & Analytics of
Value-at-Risk, J.Frain and C.Meegan, 1996
Using Value-at-Risk to Control Risk Taking: How Wrong Can You Be, X.Ju and
N.D.Pearson, 1998
Credit Risk Optimization with Conditional Value-at-Risk Criterion,
F.Andersson and S.Uryasev, 1999
An Integrated Market and Credit Risk Portfolio Model, I.Iscoe, 1999
Assessing VaR Accuracy, K.Dowd, 2000
Measuring DAX Market Risk: A Neural Network Volatility Mixture Approach,
K.Bartlmae, F.A.Rauscher, 2000
Value-at-Risk (VaR), S.Benninga and Z.Wiener, 1998
Managing Market Risk in Banks, 1996
Value-at-Risk and Extreme Returns, J.Danielsson, 2000
Taking VaR to Pieces, M.Garman, 1997
Optimization of Conditional Value-at-Risk, R.T.Rockafellar and S.Uryasev,
An Overview of Value at Risk (1), D.Duffie and J.Pan, 1997
VaR Calculations for Derivatives (2), D.Duffie and J.Pan, 1997
Appendices (3), D.Duffie and J.Pan, 1997
Extreme Behavior of Diffusion Models in Finance, M.Borkovec, 1998
Value-at-Risk Analysis and Least Squares Tail Index Estimation, R.W.J van
den Goorbergh, 1999
Equity Allocation and Portfolio Selection in Insurance: A Simplified
Portfolio Model, E.Taflin, 2000
How to Measure Risk, G.Ch.Pflug, 1997
Filtering Historical Simulation. Back-test Analysis, G.Barone-Adesi, 2000
Conditional Value-at-Risk: Optimization Algorithms and Applications,
S.Uryasev, 2000
Non-Parametric VaR Techniques. Myths and Realities, G.Barone-Adesi, 2000
Value-at-Risk When Daily Changes in Market Variables are Not Normally
Distributed, J.Hull and A.White, 1997
Incorporating Volatility Updating into the Historical Simulation Method
for Value-at-Risk, J.Hull and A.White, 1998
Horizon Problems and Extreme Events in Financial Risk Management,
P.F.Christoffersen, 1998
Portfolio Optimization with Conditional Value-at-Risk Objective and
Constraints, J.Palmquist, 1999
Value-at-Risk Analysis of a Leveraged Swap, S.Srivastava, 1998
Tracking Error and Value-at-Risk, 1997
Value-at-Risk and Mixture Distributions, 1998
Value-at-Risk: On the Stability and Forecasting of the Variance-Covariance
Matrix, J.Engek and M.Gizycki, 1999
References from D.Duffie and J.Pan,
Monte Carlo within a Day, J.Cardenas, 1999
An Analysis Framework for Bank Capital Allocation, N.Baud, 2000
VaR and the Unreal World, R.Hoppe, 1998
Extreme Value Theory in Finance and Ensurance, P.Embrechts, 1999
Developing Scenarios for Future Extreme Losses Using the POT Model,
A.J.McNeil and T.Saladin, 1998
Extreme Value Theory as a Risk Management Tool, P.Embrechts, 1996
Value-at-Risk Analysis of Stock Returns. Historical Simulations, Variance
Technique or Tail Index Estimation, R. van den Goorbergh and P.Vlaar, 1999
Finding Optimal Portfolios with Constraints on Value-at-Risk,
A.A.Gaivoronski and G.Pflug, 1998
Decomposing Portfolio Value-at-Risk: A General Analysis, W.G.Hallerbach,
Value-at-Risk in Portfolio Management, P.Gugi, 1999
Estimating Value-at-Risk with a Precision Measure by Combining Kernel
Estimation with Historical Simulations, J.S.Butler and B.Schachter, 1997
Value-at-Risk and Derivatives Risk, E.Falkenstein, 1997
Measuring Risk with Extreme Value Theory, R.L.Smith, 1998
Reliability of Neural Network Based Value-at-Risk Estimates, R.Prinzler,
Value-at-Risk for Asset managers, C.L.Culp, 1999
Analytical Value-at-Risk with Jumps and Credit Risk, D.Duffie
and J.Pan, 1999
Portfolio Selection with Limited Downside Risk, D.W.Jasen, 2000
Comparing Different Methods for Estimating Value-at-Risk (VaR) for Actual
Non-Linear Portfolios: Empirical Evvidence, M.Coronado, 2000
Value-at-Risk Based Portfolio Optimization, A.V.Puelz, 1999
A Probabilistic Approach to Worst Case Scenarios, G.Barone-Adesi,
Bank Capital and Value-at-Risk, P.Jackson, 1998
[61] Recovery Risk in Stock Returns, A.Akgun and R.Gibson, 1999
[62] Extreme Value Thory for Tail-Related Risk Measures, R.Kellezi
and M.Gilli, 2000
[63] Evolution of Market Uncertainty around Earnings Announcements,
D.Isakov, C.Perignon, 2000
New Insights into Smile, Mispricing and Value at Risk: the Hyperbolic
Model, E.Eberlein and U.Keller, 1997
Prospect theory
Technical analysis
CUSUM Techniques for Technical Trading in Financial Market
Embedding Technical Analysis into Neural Network Based Trading Systems,
T.Chenoweth, 1997
Neural Networks for Technical Ananlysis: A Stidy on KLCI, J.Yao,
Predicting the Stock Market, T.Hellstrom, 1998
Data-Snooping, Technical trading Rule Performance, and Bootstrap,
R.Sullivan, 1997
Technical Trading Rules in the European Monetary System,
C.J.Neely and P.A.Weller, 1998
Technical Analysis in the Foreign Exchange Market: A Layman's Guide,
C.J.Neely, 1997
Financial Returns and Efficiency as seen by an Artificial Technical Analyst,
S.Skouras, 1998
Data patterns
Predictable Patterns in Stock Returns, T.Hellstrom, 1997
Asymmetric Cross-Sectional Dispersion in Stock Returns: Evidence and Implications,
G.R.Duffee, 2000
Bond pricing
A Note on Risky Bond Valuation, C.H.Hui and C.F.Lo, 2000
Vulnerable Options, Risky Corporate Bonds and Credit
Spread, M.Cao and J.Wei, 2000
Valuation of Defaultable Bonds Using Signal Processing -
An extension, C.Lo and C.Hui, 1999
Option pricing
Option Pricing and Replication with Transaction Costs and Devidends,
S.Perrakis and J.Lefoll, 1999
General Properties of Option Prices, Y.Z.Bergman, 1996
On the Nature of Options, P.Carr and D.Madan, 2000
Hedging Options under Transaction Costs and Stochastic Volatility,
J.Gondzio, 2000
A Test of the Use of the Implied Volatility Function Model to Price Exotic
Options, J.Hull and W.Suo, 2000
A Methodology for Assessing Model Risk and its Application to the Implied
Volatility Function Model, J.Hull and W.Suo, 2000
New Methodology for Valuing Derivatives, S.H.Paskov, 1997
Numerical Valuation of High Dimensional Multivariate American Securities,
J.Barraquand and D.Martineau, 1994
Good-dela Option Price Bounds with Stochastic Volatility and Stochastic
Interest Rate, J.H.Cochrane and J.Saa-Requejo, 1999
Valuation of the American Put Option: a Dynamic Programming Approach,
L.Garlappi, 1996
Option Pricing Implication of a Stochastic Jump Rate, H.Fang, 2000
Jumping in Line, G.Albanese, 2000
Pricing Exotics under the Smile, M.Jex, 1999
Valuing Options on Baskets of Stocks and Forecasting the Shape of Volatility Skews,
J.Z.Zou, 2000
The Pricing of Options Depending on a Discrete Maximum, E.Nahum, 1998
Back to Basics: Historical Option Pricing Revisited, J.P.Bouchaud and M.Potters, 1998
A Numerical Procedure for Pricing American-style Asian Options, H.B.Ameur, 2000
Hedging Complex Barrier Options, P.Carr and A.Chou, 1997
Path-Dependent Multicurrency Interest Rate Derivatives, M.Chu, 1998
Closed Form Valuation of American Barrier Options, E.G.Haug and P.Patners, 2000
Competetive Monte Carlo Methods for the Pricing of Asian Options, B.Lapeyre and E.Tamam, 2000
Consequences for Option Pricing of a Long Memory in Voaltility, S.J.Taylor, 2000
Convergence of Lattice and PDE Methods for Pricing Asian Options, P.A.Forsyth, 1998
Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives: A General Approach, G.Chacko and S.Das, 1999
Hedging Options under Transaction Costs and Stochastic Volatility, J.Gondzio, 2000
Barrier Put-Call Transformation, E.G.Haug, 1999
Very Fast Algorithm for Barrier Option Pricing and the Ballot Problem,
Y.D.Lyuu, 1998
Pricing of Asian Exchange Rate Options Under Stochastic Interest Rates As a Sum of
Delayed Payment Options, J.A.Nielsen and K.Sandmann, 1999
Approximate Option Pricing, P.Chalasani,, 1997
Binomial Models for Option Valuation - Examining and Improving Convergence,
D.Leisen and M.Reimer, 1995
SWAP pricing
Valuing Credit Default SWAPs II: Modeling Default
Correlations, J.Hull and A.White, 2000
Arbitrage trading
Beyond Arbitrage: Good-Deal Asset Price Bounds in Incomplete
Markets, J.H.Cochrane and J.Saa-Requejo, 1999
Insider Information, Arbitrage and Optimal Portfolio and
Consumption Policies, M.Rindisbacher, 2000
Option Pricing, Arbitrage and Martingales, A.Pelsser and T.Vorst, 1997
A Robust Non-Linear Multivariate Kalman Filter for Arbitrage Identification in
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