This strategy is a moving average crossover strategy from Chande’s Beyond Technical Analysis book. It uses a 65 day simple moving average (65sma), and an addition confirmation condition of “three consecutive closes” (3cc). Thus the name of this strategy is called “65sma_3cc.” Like other strategies shown previously, this strategy enters on a single condition (moving average crossover with 3 consecutive higher closes), but can use three possible exit methods. It can exit after a particular number of bars go by, it can exit on a trailing stop, or it can exit on a moving average crossover in the opposite direction. The moving average crossover exit is called the “trend following exit” in the code. This is a more complex strategy than the ones previously shown, because it uses several new technical indicators to control trade entries and exits. In particular, to avoid trading whipsaws, this strategy uses two trade entry filters based on ADX and RAVI index values. ADX stands for Average Directional Index. This is a technical indicator that helps to recognize trending markets, so that trend following systems can avoid being whipsawed by fast reversals in moving average crossovers in flat or sideways markets. When this index rises, it indicates a trending market; when it falls, a sideways market. Typically, when the ADX indicator is above 40, and then falls, a sideways or consolidating market is emerging. Conversely, when the indicator is below 20 and then rises, a trending market is emerging. The 65sma_3cc strategy uses an ADX filter to avoid entering new trades in a sideways market. RAVI stands for Range Action Verification Index. This is a technical indicator that also helps to recognize trending markets, for the same purpose of helping trend following systems to avoid entering whipsaw trades in sideways markets. The RAVI index is a moving average crossover system itself—it uses a 7-day fast average and a 65-day slow average. The RAVI index value is defined as the absolute value of the percentage difference between the 7 and 65 day averages. When a market is moving sideways, the two averages tend to have the same values, so the difference is small. Conversely, when the market is trending, the fast average rapidly pulls away from the slow average, producing a larger difference and larger index value. Generally speaking, a RAVI value below 3 percent indicates sideways prices, and above 3 percent, trending prices. 47 The properties parameters defined for the 65sma_3cc strategy enable you to choose which filter you want to use (ADX or RAVI), and also let you control a variety of moving average lengths, stop loss limits, and other strategy parameter values. Chande says that this strategy (not this particular implementation of it) has been tested on 20 years of data for 23 different markets, and that it was robust and profitable on each one. So this should be a good example of a computerized trend following system. Finally, notice that this strategy has more user-settable properties and many more helper methods than do other strategies in this document. The helper methods increase code readability because they isolate utility code into small, manageable pieces. Here is the complete code for the strategy.

using System;
using System.Drawing;

using OpenQuant.API;
using OpenQuant.API.Indicators;

// this enum defines allowed filter values
public enum FilterType {

public class MyStrategy : Strategy
	[Parameter("Order quantity (number of contracts to trade)")]
	double Qty = 100;
	[Parameter("Bars Exit Level", "Bars Exit")]
	bool BarCountExitEnabled;

	[Parameter("Bars to Exit Count", "Bars Exit")]
	int BarsToExitCount = 20;
	[Parameter("Consecutive Closes Count")]
	int ConsClosesCount = 3;
	[Parameter("SMA Length")]
	int SMALength = 65;
	[Parameter("Stop Exit Level", "Stop Exit")]
	double TrailingStopLevel = 500;

	[Parameter("Stop Exit Enabled", "Stop Exit")]
	bool TrailingStopEnabled;
	[Parameter("Trend-Following Exit Enabled", "Trend-Following Exit")]
	bool TrendFollowingExitEnabled;

	[Parameter("Trend-Following Exit Length", "Trend-Following Exit")]
	int TrendFollowingExitLength = 14;
	[Parameter("Filter Type", "Filter")]
	FilterType FilterType = FilterType.None;
	[Parameter("ADX Length", "ADX")]
	int ADXLength = 14;	

	[Parameter("ADX Level", "ADX")]
	double ADXLevel = 20;
	[Parameter("Short SMA Length (RAVI)", "RAVI")]
	int ShortSMALength = 7;

	[Parameter("RAVI Percent Level", "RAVI")]
	double RAVILevel = 0.5;
	// the slow average is 65 bars long by default
	SMA sma;

	// only enter new trades if no position exists
	bool entryEnabled = false;

	// for consecutive closes 
	int ccCount = 0;

	// record the crossing state
	Cross smaCross = Cross.None;

	// for the bar count exit method
	int barsFromEntry = 0;

	// for the trailing stop exit method
	Stop trailingStop;

	// Exit when High/Low exceed previous price range
	bool exitOnBarOpen = false;

	// RAVI Filter parameters
	SMA shortSMA;
	// ADX Filter parameters
	ADX adx;

	// shares to buy, and trading orders
	Order buyOrder;
	Order sellOrder;

	public override void OnStrategyStart()
		sma = new SMA(Bars, SMALength);
		sma.Color = Color.Yellow;
		Draw(sma, 0);

		// if required, set up the RAVI moving average
		if (FilterType == FilterType.RAVI)
			shortSMA = new SMA(Bars, ShortSMALength);
			shortSMA.Color = Color.Pink;
			Draw(shortSMA, 0);
		//if required, set up the ADX moving average 
		if (FilterType == FilterType.ADX)
			// ADX is a builtin function, like SMA
			adx = new ADX(Bars, ADXLength);
			adx.Color = Color.Wheat;
			Draw(adx, 2);

	public override void OnBar(Bar bar)
		if (sma.Count == 0)

		// if we are using a trend-following exit and have an open
		// positiong that we should close
		if (TrendFollowingExitEnabled && HasPosition && Bars.Count > TrendFollowingExitLength + 1)
			// check if we are long and today's close is lower than 
			// lowest low of the last "trendFollowingExitLength" bars.
			// If so, then exit on the next bar open
			if (Position.Side == PositionSide.Long)
				double prevLow = Bars.LowestLow(Bars.Count - TrendFollowingExitLength - 1, Bars.Count - 2);

				if (bar.Close < prevLow)
					exitOnBarOpen = true;

			// check if we are short and today's close is higher than 
			// highest high of the last "trendFollowingExitLength" bars
			// If so, exit on the next bar open
			if (Position.Side == PositionSide.Short)
				double prevHigh = Bars.HighestHigh(Bars.Count - TrendFollowingExitLength - 1, Bars.Count - 2);

				if (bar.Close > prevHigh)
					exitOnBarOpen = true;

		// look for N consecutive closes after a crossover
		Cross cross = Bars.Crosses(sma, bar);
		// if any cross occurred, reset the consecutive close count,
		// and copy the cross value so we can reset our copy of it
		// without wiping out the original indicator.
		if (cross != Cross.None)
			smaCross = cross;
			ccCount = 0;

		// if a cross occurred, increment the cc count, because the 
		// first bar counts as the first consecutive close
		if (smaCross != Cross.None)

		// if we have enough consecutive closes, it's time to trade
		if (ccCount == ConsClosesCount)
			// if we have no position open, or if we have a position
			// that is opposite the cross direction (ie, we need to 
			// close the position)
			if (!HasPosition ||
				(Position.Side == PositionSide.Long && smaCross == Cross.Below) ||
				(Position.Side == PositionSide.Short && smaCross == Cross.Above))
				switch (FilterType)
					// enter a trade if no filters are being used
					case FilterType.None:
						entryEnabled = true;
					// enter a trade if the RAVI filter says ok
					case FilterType.RAVI:
						entryEnabled = FilterRAVI();
					// enable a trade if the ADX filter says ok
					case FilterType.ADX:
						entryEnabled = FilterADX();

				// if an entry was enabled, open a position on next bar open
				if (entryEnabled)
					exitOnBarOpen = false;
				// and reset our copy of the cross status to none
				smaCross = Cross.None;
			// reset the consecutive close count too
			ccCount = 0;

	public override void OnBarOpen(Bar bar)
		// if we should close our position due to the trend-following exit
		if (exitOnBarOpen)
			exitOnBarOpen = false;
			// if we have a position open, close it
			if (HasPosition)

		// if we should enter a trade
		if (entryEnabled)
			entryEnabled = false;
			// and if we have no existing position
			if (!HasPosition)
				// go long if our bar is above the moving average
				if (Bars.Last.Close >= sma.Last)
				// go short if our bar is below the moving average
				if (Bars.Last.Close <= sma.Last)
				// if we have an existing position, reverse it,
				// because the trend direction has changed.
			// else if we should be using the bar count exit instead
			// of the trend following exit
			// bars exit
			if (BarCountExitEnabled)
				// if we have a position to close, 
				// close the position and reset the bar counters
				if (HasPosition)

					if (barsFromEntry == BarsToExitCount)
						barsFromEntry = 0;

					// else if we have no position open, 
					// reset the bars count to zero for next time
					barsFromEntry = 0;

	public override void OnPositionChanged()
		// every time our position size or direction changes,
		// cancel the old trailing stop and set a new one
		if (HasPosition)

	private void CancelExit()
		// reset the bar counter and cancel the trailing stop
		barsFromEntry = 0;
		if (trailingStop != null)

	private void SetExit()
		// reset the bar counter and set a new trailing stop
		// Notice this stop is just an internal signal, it is 
		// not a real stop loss order. The real order is issued
		// in OnStopExecuted, when the stop is triggered.
		barsFromEntry = 0;

		if (TrailingStopEnabled)
			trailingStop = SetStop(TrailingStopLevel / Qty, StopType.Trailing, StopMode.Absolute);

	public override void OnStopExecuted(Stop stop)
		// when the stop is triggered, close the position

	private void ClosePosition()
		// create and send a market order to close the position
		if (Position.Side == PositionSide.Long)
			Sell(Qty, "Exit");
			Buy(Qty, "Exit");

	private void OpenPosition(OrderSide side)
		// create and send a market order to open the position
		Order order = MarketOrder(side, Qty, "Entry");

		if (side == OrderSide.Buy)
			buyOrder = order;
			sellOrder = order;


	private void ReversePosition()
		// reverse the position with a market order
		// Use double the position size to flip the position
		if (Position.Side == PositionSide.Long)
			sellOrder = MarketOrder(OrderSide.Sell, Qty * 2, "Reverse the Position");
			buyOrder = MarketOrder(OrderSide.Buy, Qty * 2, "Reverse the Position");

	private bool FilterRAVI()
		// calculate the latest RAVI value
		if (shortSMA.Count == 0)
			return false;

		double smaLast = sma.Last;
		double shortSMALast = shortSMA.Last;

		double ravi = Math.Abs(smaLast - shortSMALast) / Math.Min(smaLast, shortSMALast) * 100;

		// return true to accept the trade, false to block it
		if (ravi >= RAVILevel)
			return true;
			return false;

	private bool FilterADX()
		if (adx.Count == 0)
			return false;

		// return true to accept the trade, false to block it
		if (adx.Last >= ADXLevel)
			return true;
			return false;