We can help you to develop interfaces to market data providers and brokers not supported by SmartQuant out of the box, custom indicators, custom trading applications based on SmartQuant framework, trading strategies, including trading strategy conversion from EasyLanguage, Excel and other sources to OpenQuant C# strategies.

We can also provide you with "Gold Support" option to help you setting up your trading infrastructure and getting your automated trading startegies up and running.

You will work directly with the core developers of SmartQuant trading software products

If your project is simple enough, we can skip NDA and development contract phases to simplify the procedure.

We can charge either hourly rate or fixed per project rate, which we negotiate with every customer.

We accept credit card payment through shareit.com (you can also wire the payment, place a phone or fax order or send a checque to shareit.com) or you can wire the payment directly to SmartQuant Ltd. bank account.

You can send a request for custom development to consultancy@smartquant.com or using an on-line form below.