Romanesco Capital Management is an emerging manager operating within the short term managed futures space. Romanesco was awarded a seed mandate from IMQubator in 2012 and selected SmartQuant's software to implement the strategies, utilising the QuantDesk package, including the QuantRouter, QuantBase and OpenQuant applications. Smart Quant's experience, price offering and range of products were all factors that weighed into the decision to select Smart Quant. Smart Quant includes certified plug-ins for several institutional brokers and through the use of a server hosting solution that combines SmartQuant software with Microsoft products and in-house developed solutions, Romanesco is able to cater for several investors. 2014 promises to be an exciting year for Smart Quant products with the proposed release of several new developments.

Tor Gudmundsen Sinclair
Chief Investment Officer
Romanesco Capital Management

SAGAT Capital is a short term, systematic managed futures firm that fuses global macro methods with systematic trading techniques. Our methodology requires us to perform significant portfolio level calculations that aren't easily handled by most applications. SmartQuant was the obvious choice for us since it's modular IDE approach gives us the ultimate flexibility to perform the necessary tasks. Our strategies are handled using event based meta-strategy architecture that enables us to have maximum control. We had to program the meta-strategy architecture ourselves, however, OpenQuant 2014 will have all of this automatically built-in with the additional benefits of multiple scenario files + even more efficient multi-threading. We can't wait!

Rodney Ngone
Chief Investment Officer
SAGAT Capital

Code Eight Corp designs code for specialty users, in many different areas from high frequency trading to software used by polyglots to learn languages faster. In 2001, we asked a well-known hedge fund manager which software that we should use for our proprietary trading, and he immediately put us in contact with SmartQuant, saying that it was the most innovative product available. Over the past decade, this has certainly continued to be true. We have used most, if not all, the other available products, yet none have the flexibility or capability of SmartQuant products. The SmartQuant framework, especially the latest one (released recently for beta testing), allows us to be creative, as we continue to adapt to the markets and its innovative players.

Joel Teague
Prop Trader and Consultant
Code Eight Corp (USA)