I can not get quotes for instruments in OQ2014 through QR.
My QuantRouter version is 2.10.0 32bit
I can connect with TT API provider and import future instruments from TTAPI.
Take the instrument HG May15 in CME as an example:
for OQ2014 version 1.0.5512.27229 64bit:
After connection with QuantRouter, I cannot get the market data of HG in QuoteMonitor. The properties of instrument (HG May15): CurrencyId: 148 (USD as I entered) Exchange:CME AltId: ProviderId: 11, Sumbol:HG(TT API)Bid|Ask|Trade (see Fig.1) The error in QR: Provider:IB, Id:-1, Code:504, Message:Not connected (see Fig.2 )
Attachments: |
File comment: Fig. 2 - The screen capture of QR

QRConnectionIssue.JPG [ 133.5 KiB | Viewed 7440 times ]
File comment: Fig. 1 - The screen capture of OQ2014 for its connection issue with QR

OQ2014-QRConnectionIssue.JPG [ 142.72 KiB | Viewed 7440 times ]