SmartQuant Discussion

Display P&L of each Trade in OQ2014
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Author:  M101 [ Wed May 11, 2016 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Display P&L of each Trade in OQ2014


It would be great if you added a tool to OQ2014 that showed the P&L of each individual Trade a strategy made.

I guess this tool would look very similar to the "Composition" tab in OQ2014, but would show the exact $ amount each (round turn) trade lost or made.

NOTE: The main thing I (and probably others) would use this tool for is to spot individual outlier trades. For instance, if my strategy made 200 profitable trades in total and 195 of them generated $100 each and 5 random ones generated $600 each, this is the tool that would have let me discover the 5 random ones. With that in mind, its essential that this tool be able to display the individual trades ranked in order from highest P&L to lowest P&L (as well as viewing them in chronological order).

Author:  mikembb [ Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Display P&L of each Trade in OQ2014

I think this would be a useful tool for my clients analysis as well.


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